tennis court beside it and rosegardens, orchard, vegetable
gardens and henhouse behind it. As outbuildings there were
a dairy, a woodshed and garage. Next door at 22 Clifton Rd
(Te Kopua, named after the mission station which Thomas
Buddle helped to establish) was a smaller house which was
originally the Arthur family holiday home.
T.B Arthur's mother, his brother and 2 sisters lived here.
The colour painting, done by Aunty Joan, shows the house
as it was in about 1930.

This photo shows the 2 houses when No. 24 was first built,
before the rockery was built in front. Number 22 is in the
background and Arthur Cres now runs down where
the lawn was that separated the 2 houses.

The view
from the
aunts' house
below shows
the lawn
where Arthur
Cres is today
and shows
the bedroom which was added to the side of the house when Nancy was a small child.

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